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SeaWorld of Hurt

Anti SeaWorld Campaign
SeaWorld of Hurt
Print ad, Billboard and Direct Mail
Objectives: To reinforce the attitude to boycott SeaWorld, following the documentary Blackfish and encouraging people to not visit SeaWorld or support SeaWorld in any way.
Background: SeaWorld is a chain of marine mammal parks, which include, orcas, dolphins and sea lion shows. They are situated in Orlando, Florida, San Diego, California, San Antonio and Texas. Recently, SeaWorld has come into a lot of controversy regarding the well being of their animals.
Blackfish: Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale that killed several people whilst in captivity. It discusses the psychological trauma orcas face because of SeaWorld and how in some cases it has resulted in orcas acting out.
Target Audience: Parents; to stop taking their children to SeaWorld and young people aged 16-25, as they are an age group highly accessible to social medias in order to spread the message. Focusing on tourists who have hopes to go to SeaWorld.
Brand Values: PETA organized the campaign ‘SeaWorld of Hurt – Where Happiness Tanks. PETA has various tactics in place to help the animals held captive – including public education and demonstrations, complains to law enforcement officials, corporate negotiations, shareholder activism, litigation and much more. PETA are urging SeaWorld to improve its business by stopping breeding the animals, and retiring orcas to sea pens where they can be encouraged to engage in natural behaviour.
PETA have extremely passionate brand values, they feel very strongly about the well being of the animals at SeaWorld and won’t stop at any cost in allowing these animals to have the most normal life they possibly can.
Proposition: “To help all animals held captive by SeaWorld, please never buy a ticket, visit the parks, or support SeaWorld in any other way.”
Advert - located around Orlando, Florida, where SeaWorld is located.
Direct Mail: sent to all housing around SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld of Hurt